Sunday, January 28, 2007

Destiny: A Study of Being

What brings me to write a web log? Is it my destiny to speak to the masses through the greatest means of communication in this, the modern era? Will I be heard? Will my message cross through the abyss of cyberspace and enter into the vernacular discography of our society? When will Seinfeld make a comeback? And why is it that grasshoppers are crushed by the boot of their oppressors, while it is we, we feeble humans, that go on oppressing, as though it is our God-given right, our destiny as Man, to do so?


Sylar said...

no...just no...
talk like a normal person!
like me!

Anonymous said...

Mohinder, I believe the real question you need to be asking yourself is when you're going to marry me.


Claude said...

English is your friend.

Anonymous said...

Well spoken, I frabjoyously conclude that there is no floccinaucinihilipilification amidst your exquisite verbage.